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Peter Sauter

Game Design Student at MDC

The simple fact that I'm studying how to make videogames for a living is the fulfillment of a childhood dream of mine. My goal as a Game Designer is to make games that engage you, both as a player and as an individual. Above all else I wish to use this medium to create experiences that people will come to treasure.

This image speaks for itself. You wouldn
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  • Capable of coding in C++, C# and Java

  • Worked with the following IDE’s: Visual Studio 2013 -2015 and 2017, Eclipse (Java IDE), Notepad++

  • Worked with the following Game Engines: Unity 5.4.2 -5.6.2 and 2018.1.0f2, Unreal Engine 4, and GameMaker Studio (Pro)

  • Fluent in both written and spoken English and Spanish


  • President of M.A.G.I.C. Club (Miami, Animation, Gaming, International, Complex)

  • Lead Organizer of the 2018 M.A.G.I.C. Game Jam

  • Dean’s List (Fall 2016)

  • Business Honors Society 2015-2016

  • 3rd Place, “The Masters” young entrepreneurs competition at Royal Hospital School, London, UK 2013

Volunteer Experience:

  • Shake-A-Leg Miami (charitable organization promoting water sports for individuals with special needs)

    • Mentored special needs individuals (mostly autistic children) during 2014-2015.

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C++ Project Showcase: Riders Of Fortune

Main Screen.JPG

"Riders of Fortune" is a text based roguelike Game

('roguelike' is genre of games that usually features, heavy use of randomization, and permanent death)​.​

This Project was originally an assignment for the

"C++ ObjectOriented Programming" class I took last year.

I had so much fun working with this assignment's structure, and spaces for creative liberty, I decided to make 'full game' out of it.

I'll leave a copy of the assignment's requirements on the "Game folder" so that you can try making your own version of it just for fun. As well as spot the improvements and creative liberties I took. 


-Peter Sauter

P.S.: Thanks Prof.Roque!


How to Download:

  1. Click the download button (which will take you to a GitHub repository)

  2. Then click the download button in GitHub (select download ZIP).

  3. Unzip the downloaded Folder

  4. Open the RidersOfFortune folder

  5. Open the Debug Folder

  6. Run RidersOfFortune.exe

    [RidersOfFortune -> Debug -> "RidersOfFortune.exe"]


  • You can find the Instructions for both the Game and the Assignment in separate word documents inside the "GameFiles" folder

  • This game uses the "Windows.h" library so it is unlikely that it will run in either Linux or MacOS.

  • Made using Visual Studio 2015, updated to Visual Studio 2017

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Unity Project Showcase: Blinken

Blinken Title Screen.jpg

Originally our team's Final Project for "Level Design" Class. The objective of this project was to come up with a unique game concept and to design one or more levels that highlighted the unique features of the game.

Blinken is a puzzle/platformer in which you CAN'T jump. However you have the ability to teleport short distances (Blink), and by 'Blinking' into an enemy you can take control of it, and use its abilities to help you solve the puzzles, in the three available levels. 

Note: This is a prototype and as such you might encounter unresolved bugs and or glitches in it.

Enjoy! ^_^

-Peter Sauter

P.S.: Thanks Prof.Mittner!

P.P.S.: Joshua and I intend to continue expanding upon this concept, with the goal of making a full game out of it.


How to Download & Play:

  1. Download the entire "Blinken_Demo" Folder from Google Drive.

  2. Then open on the "TeleBoi_Demo.exe"


Game Concept, Art assets, UI assets and Level Design:

Joshua Tabio

Scripting and Game Systems :

Peter Sauter

Camera Scripts:

Viacheslav Burmistrov​

AI Scripts:

Joshua Fernandez and Peter Sauter

Made using: 

Unity 5.6.2 - 2018.1.0f2

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Office Thief Game 'Prototype'

"Office Thief (Game)" is a short little game that I made for my 3D programming class.

The project was free form but we had to use 3D programming concepts like raycasting and use dot product to find relative position/facing.

I decided to make a game focusing on 'stealth' gameplay.

This is a finished prototype, meaning most things are functional enough to be played, but this is by no means polished.

Made Using:

Unity 2018.1.0f2

This project is made 100% using Unity default assets.

Programming, UI, Animations, and 3D Models were done by myself.

The level's structure is the floor plan for *"The Office" (with a couple of alterations here and there to improve the experience).

*The TV show "The Office"(US)

NOTE: the peeking mechanic is a bit strange...

 To use the 'Peek': 

  1. You must be facing/looking at the wall

  2. You must be near the edge of the wall

  3. You must be (almost) touching the wall. 

To download & Play:

  1. Click the download button (which will take you to a google Drive folder)

  2. Download the folder from Google Drive

  3. Unzip the folder, and open "OfficeThief.exe"

Have fun and don't get caught! ;)

-Peter Sauter

P.S.: Thank you Prof.Gallo

P.P.S.: I left a link to download the asset package should you wish to expand or see how the game 'works'

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2D - 3D Grid-Based Map Generator

A personal Project of mine

My love for turn based strategy games and rogue-likes has motivated me to create a 2D - 3D grid Map Generator/Level Maker. This system can be used to generate 2D, 2D-iso (also known as 2.5D) , and 3D grids using PseudoCubes. PseudoCubes are empty objects that represent a Cube, but create the corresponding cube faces ONLY when these are exposed/visible thus saving memory and improving performance. 

These types of 'cubes' are often mistakenly called 'Voxels' (Voxel stands for Volume Pixel) despite the fact that they lack volume, and are made by using regular polygonal 3D planes (so I call them 'PseudoCubes' as they look and act similarly to a cube but are NOT a cube).

My goal for this system is to publish it and make it Open Source (meaning free and open for anyone use and to iterate upon), as this could  developers make more Turn-base Strategy Games or Rogue-likes, which I love to play (so I win anyways).

This Grid system uses nothing but Unity's default assets and C# scripting. The grid operates using two coordinates (X and Z in this case) to determine position, then finds the topmost tile in that coordinate pair to determine which of the tiles in the stack is the "active tile". This allows it to operate like a 2D grid while keeping the additional gameplay dimension of height.

I'll be updating my Asset Package every so often. But here's the current version (rough as it might be).

To use: Download the asset package and import it in Unity.

Update Notes:

  • Now Allows player to set a tile's height while in play mode

  • Massively improved performance and map creation speed by using 'PseudoCubes'.

  • Has now the option to spawn a completely random map (not procedural generated, so the result is likely to look like a mess)

Planned Updates :

  • Tutorial Video 

  • Set TileType and Color on play Mode

  • Load/Save feature

  • Overall Optimizations 

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